
Population of china (1955~2017)

나눔정보. 2017. 8. 19. 14:31

Today, The world population is changing all the time.

 Population is the most important date to analyze economic activity. 

So, I will briefly look at china,

 which has the largest share of the population in the world.

 I hope the following will help you in many ways.

▶ Population of china (1955~2017)

1. This table is population of china during 1955~2017.

You can see this country is best in the world, and coutry's share of 

world pop is 18.47% at 2017

increase rate is 2.73~0.43% yearly

Current pop as of august 18. 2017 is 1,388,232,693

2. Forecast 2020~2050

will increase from 2020~2030, but 

start to decrease from 2035

3. Comparison china / eu / usa / japan

Top GDP is EU, 2nd is EU

I don't know why japan is in here,

No need to compare with other entity.

4. chin graph

Always,  pop is increasing

5. Yearly pop growth rate

 During 1970~1980, 1990~2000

rate is decreasing

So far I have looked at the chinese population.

 All date has been written with reference to Worldometer site.

 After this time, I will write about the population of other countries. 

Thank you.
